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Muslim Marriage Recognition in Ireland

The media is currently filled with discussion of marriage rights and recognition, not least because of the historic US Supreme Court ruling yesterday on the Defence of Marriage Act in California. Marriage is something that is deeply ingrained in religion and culture and marriage practices vary around the world. In Ireland, the struggle for marital […]


Non-EU Divorces in Ireland

NON – EU DIVORCES AND THEIR RECOGNITION IN IRELAND It is becoming apparent that the Civil Registration Service is refusing to recognise more and more non EU Divorces. This is often based on their belief that the evidence provided to them does not unequivocally point to the conclusion that either party to the divorce had […]

Recognition of Foreign Divorces

Many people believe that all foreign divorces are recognised in Ireland. This is not the case. Prior to the Family Law Divorce Act, 1996, the recognition of foreign divorces was dependent on the question of “domicile”. Domicile is different to residence and generally refers to the country where you were born or the country where […]



Wasn’t that an interesting snippet in the paper during the week. Under the current Civil Registration (Amendment) Bill 2013, Civil Registrars are going to be granted the power to halt so called ‘sham marriages’ and inform immigration authorities if they suspect a marriage of convenience is being planned.  Since when did Civil Registrars need a […]



The media is currently filled with discussion of marriage rights and recognition, not least because of the historic US Supreme Court ruling yesterday on the Defence of Marriage Act in California. Marriage is something that is deeply ingrained in religion and culture and marriage practices vary around the world. In Ireland, the struggle for marital […]



I was recently contacted by two couples who had planned to marry in a civil ceremony. When you start this procedure, you have to give several months notice but in the two cases the Civil Registration Office in question cancelled the ceremony, in one case with five days notice and in the other case with […]


Recognition of Foreign Divorces

There are an awful lot of people in Ireland, who have committed bigamy and do not know it. I say this because I have recently had to advise two separate clients that their divorce would not be recognised if it ever came before a court in Ireland and as a result, their second marriage will […]