I am trying to sue Twitter at the moment for a client and as part of my ‘research’, I reviewed a number of Tweets and this is my personal list of what I regard as the funniest tweets of 2012.
- In order to catch a bus, first one must think like a bus
- There are four hundred billion birds in the world, 250,000 planes and one Superman. So in answer to your question – probably a bird.
- Due to an auto correct cock-up, my time machine only lets me travel into the furniture.
- The best thing about alcohol hand gel in hospital isn’t the hygiene, but that everyone walks around like they are hatching a dastardly plan.
- I had a crazy dream that I weighed less than a thousandth of a gram. I was, like, Omg!
- I just looked in the mirror and thought, who is that old man staring back at me? Then I realised it’s not a mirror, it’s a fish fingers box.
- I cannot speak highly enough of helium.
- Parents. Cheer up your sick child by frothing their medicine. Hey presto – Calpolccino.